As part of a plan to deliver adult literacy and numeracy training in rural areas of Mozambique, together with our Mozambican partners we conducted a comprehensive study of the real challenges faced by illiterate and innumerate rural communities. After conducting face to face questionnaire interviews in villages in Sofala and Manica province, we compiled a report evidencing literacy and numeracy rates in the area, and the impact that this has on participants’ lives.
Our aim was to understand the effects of low literacy and numeracy levels at a personal and community level, in order to gauge the type of opportunities that local people desire in order to bring about the change they wish to see in their lives. The results were astounding. A shocking 86% of the people we interviewed were not able to read, write or use numbers. Respondents’ stated that being given the opportunity to learn basic literacy and numeracy would improve their capacity to generate income and facilitate community development would allow them to make the first steps to move out of poverty.