International Director
Jamie received a degree from University of Essex in Business Management. Since then, he spent 3.5 years working for Lifeline Projects, in contract management and service delivery. Jamie has been working for LNI for 7 years. His role as International Director involves visiting, supporting and working with partners to develop social programmes catered to their communities that meet their specific needs and aim to help local people out of poverty. Outside of LNI, Jamie has worked as a youth worker for over 15 years. His experience allows him to mentor young people and other youth workers, and he provided training for youth work in the UK and other nations.
Jamie has a passion for seeing people realise their true value and being able to contribute to the advancement of their society. He envisions the vulnerable of society being restored and empowered to be leaders of hope and change, creating a new narrative where unjust systems aren’t merely criticised, but dedicated people rise up to challenge them and demonstrate an alternative.
Involvement within LNI
Jamie’s father founded Lifeline Church, and heads the overseas work which began in the 1970’s. Many network members used to stay in his house when he was growing up, so he had early exposure to the network and got to know and love the people involved.
Current Work
Jamie’s current role sees him managing relationships with Network members, supporting, teaching, empowering, encouraging, strategizing and caring for our partners, through visiting, running conferences, call and emails. He supports network members to access resources (knowledge, funding, personnel) from within or from outside the Network, needed for partners to pursue their vision. Jamie participates in LNI strategy and current direction of Network, also leading the UK team.