As a Sierra Leone Police officer, Emmanuel served as a Krio interpreter to ECOMOG during the country’s civil war. During that time, and since, he was closely involved in establishing the Lifeline Nehemiah Home, set up to rehabilitate and reintegrate ex-child soldiers into society. He has pioneered community-based initiatives focused on mobilising young people to discover their hidden talents and potential.
Emmanuel says, “My vision is to touch and positively create an impact in the lives of each and every person I come into contact with, so they might recognise their self-worth, reach their true potential, achieve improved living standards and, become innovators for change in their communities and beyond”. His goal by 2020 is to have trained and developed many leaders; men and women better equipped for breaking the circle of dependency, helping others by modelling self-sufficient lifestyles.
Involvement with Lifeline
As a result of serving alongside the late Richard Cole, the partner who founded the Lifeline Nehemiah Home, Emmanuel first became involved with Lifeline in 1993. His current relationship as a Lifeline partner is one of investing his time to the continued development of the network’s influence, especially in Sierra Leone.
Current Work
Emmanuel is currently involved with the Lifeline Nehemiah Ebola Response in Freetown, delivering preventive education programmes to local communities. He continues to work with young people, helping them discover hidden talents, equipping them to become responsible and effective members of Sierra Leone society.