Edwin’s background includes 10 years as a senior banking executive in South Africa, directorship roles with a number of companies and associations, and a founder of Idea Group, an entrepreneurial-style think tank for developing innovative new business development initiatives.
In his own words Edwin describes his vision as to be actively involved in “the transformation of Africa’s image from the ‘begging bowl’ into the ‘bread basket’ that feeds the world.”
As the biggest economy in the continent, Edwin believes South Africa holds the key to championing transformation programs for the continent’s economic future, and he wants to be part of the team that develops and implements the strategies and initiatives that will make this transformation a reality. Edwin says, “I believe poverty is a manmade reality and that through community asset development programs, it can be completely eliminated.”
Involvement with LNI
Edwin was first introduced to LifeLine Network, in 2007, by our partner Keith Marsh following a conference in South Africa, and continues his involvement as an active member of the Network’s South Africa leadership team.
Current Work
Edwin is currently a director of SASFA (Southern African Light Steel Frame Building Association), the treasurer of Dinwiddie Primary School governing body, and is a transaction adviser to The World Bank in Washington DC. He also has plans to start a co-operative bank in South Africa, and to spawn a movement of enlightened business people in Southern Africa across various key industries including banking, construction, mining, education, IT and research.