Betteh Tumara Punduru (BTP), developed in collaboration with LNI in the UK and Lifeline Nehemiah Projects in Sierra Leone is supported by the Big Lottery Fund.
On 4th June 2019, three support team staff from Freetown visited Punduru to undertake a range of reviews, practical support and updates:
The entire farm land was covered with weed to such an extent that one could not identify the crops that had been planted. The team in Punduru led by the project manager embarked on a massive weeding and 5 acre land was physically weeded!
As part of the organisation’s strategic drive, three different set of livestock: goats, sheep and pigs are to be raised for commercial purposes. Shelters for each of these animal groups are being constructed.
A day’s community engagement meeting was held on Sunday, 9th June, 2019. The purpose of the meeting was to engage community stakeholders on the project’s sustainability drive.
The Literacy and Numeracy Coordinator, Jabba Pessima had a two-day engagement with the Literacy and Numeracy Trainer, reviewing the teaching and learning methods, especially for those who have not been fortunate to go to school.
The finance Director, Leonard Kamara, worked with the project manager and team on the finances for the project, undertaking a thorough review with the team.
Staff attached to the Punduru project were told that the project will come to an end in 2020. The team spent time looking at how to work towards the sustainability drive of the organisation.