Punduru: 17th February 2018
As part of the build up to the celebration, a sports meeting was organised to bring together the 10 surrounding villages. It was a time full of fun and laughter and representatives from the five ruling houses all joined in. The graduation ceremony celebrated the 177 students who completed the course.
177 Punduru Agricultural Graduates
Representatives of the 5 ruling houses at the sports meeting
Freetown : 24th February 2018
Before the event, the local radio station interviewed LNP. This gave them a great opportunity to share the good news of the past successes and challenges and to publicise the graduation ahead of time. In total, 190 mechanics, electricians, ICT, builders, plumbers, hairdressers, waiters, chamber maids and cooks came to collect their certificates. As part of hosting the event, some of the current hospitality students were part of the team helping to usher the guests. There was also a hairdressing talent show and a demonstration from the mechanics students as part of the day.
Murray Kallon, who is the electrical engineer for Sierra Construction System, was the chair for the event. Sierra Construction System has been a member of our consortium of employers since Feb 2016. Murray Kallon expressed as part of his speech, “…..since I have been working with other organizations for a long period of time, I find LifeLine very unique in its operation. Monitoring and caring for its trainees in their work placement separates them completely from other institutions.”
Some of the other guests included Mrs Mariatu Koroma, from the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Godwin Samba, a former director of Technical and Vocational training at the Ministry of Education and the guest speaker Dr. Yankama Manty Jones.
The event had lots of media coverage from Africa Young Voice (AYV) and Sierra Leone Broadcasting Corporation (SLBC).